5th & Glow™ Ready to Order?

How a “Hazardous Hormone”
in Popular Eyelash Products
can Contribute to Irreversible
“Lash Baldness” 1

Here’s what to do instead.

Hi, my name is Alexandria Weston* *.

I’m not a doctor, a cosmetologist, or a “lash expert”.

I’m a Midwestern housewife, and I got a rude awakening about the desperate state of my eyelashes while on vacation in Cabo.

But what I didn’t know then, was that I was this close to my eyelashes disappearing forever.

Technically, it’s Called “Hypotrichosis”.

That’s right — my eyes were going bald.

For years, I’d buried my head in the sand, thinking my thinning lashes were just another side effect of getting older.

So I did what most women would do…

  • I shopped for more
    mascaras and bought more lash conditioners.

And that approach seemed to work.

But the truth is, I was unknowingly sabotaging the growing process of my own lashes.

UCLA* * * research has confirmed that there’s a Hazardous Hormone present in many popular lash products found on the market today2.

And while that hazardous hormone does spur lash growth in the short term…

In the long run…

It can End Up Damaging
the Health of Your Lashes3

Even leading to eventual lash baldness.

And the truth is...

I never would have known about this hazardous hormone, had it not been for an embarrassing wake-up call I got while on vacation in Cabo.

Here’s how it happened…

My Husband Ted and I were
Walking Through a Busy Market on the
First Morning of Our Holiday.

I saw a little girl who was holding her mother’s hand.

She pointed to me and said:

Look, Mommy! That lady has
dead eyes too!

“No, honey…she’s just tired.”

What a gut punch.

My face felt like it had been singed with a red-hot iron.

I Wanted to Curl Up in a Corner
and Die From Embarrassment.

We were in Cabo during the holiday called Día de los Muertos, or “Day of the Dead”...

When people dress up to honor the memory of their dead relatives.

Trying to relax on vacation, I’d skipped my makeup routine that morning.

And without my mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow…

That little girl thought I was celebrating the holiday because I looked “dead”.

At that Moment, I Felt Especially
Exposed and Embarrassed in Front of Ted,* *
My Husband of 30 Years.

I knew he saw the same thing:

My eyes looked “dead” at worst, and tired at best and the furthest thing from beautiful.

But after 30 years, our marriage had gotten a bit “stale”.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that Ted didn’t seem as attracted to me anymore.

Even Though He Tried to Hide it,
His Eyes were Wandering… Lingering on Younger, More Beautiful Women.

It made me feel like a “has-been”.

It hurt that I no longer captured his attention like I used to.

And deep down...

It made me worry that our marriage might be over.

And while that experience in Cabo was easily one of the most embarrassing moments of my life…

In a Strange Way,
I Actually Thank God it Happened.

Because that humiliating moment was
the catalyst for a very unusual journey.

A journey to search for a natural way to solve the problem of my thinning eyelashes and — as the little girl commented — my “dead-looking eyes”...

This journey dragged me through the sewers of the multibillion-dollar beauty industry...

Actually CONTRIBUTE to the problem.

All thanks to that hazardous hormone I mentioned earlier…

One UCLA research study has even issued warnings about it4.

This Hazardous Hormone is a Key Ingredient in Many Popular Lash-Enhancing Products.

And millions of women are being exposed to it not knowing that it’s slowly killing the health of their lashes.

I’ll show you the shocking truth about this hazardous hormone in the next 3 moments.

It’s something the Big Beauty brands hope you never hear about.

But finally, after 20 long months…

  • I stumbled on the discovery of a simple tweak that turned everything around.
  • This one simple change to my beauty routine helped my lashes to grow back fuller, thicker and longer.

It Ended Up Completely Rejuvenating the Natural Health and Beauty of My Eyes.

So much so that most days are now “mascara optional”...

Where before, I would never leave the house without heavy layers of gunky mascara.

I’m actually in love with what I see in the mirror every morning—BEFORE I put on my makeup!

And get this:

  • This little eye beauty secret has helped me to recapture my husband’s attention.
  • He’s constantly commenting on how beautiful I look.
  • And let me tell you ladies, the “spark” is BACK too. Big time.

I even have hot, young men checking me out at the grocery store!

And the ONLY change I made to my routine was this one simple lash tweak.

So, If You’ve Been Concerned About
How Old and Tired or “Dead” Your Eyes Look…

Please don’t lose hope.

I’m not the only one who’s experienced this miracle.

This simple change has worked for every woman I know who’s tried it.

Like these lovely ladies:

And if you’re feeling a little skeptical right now, I get it.

If you’re like me, you probably fell hook, line, and sinker for the hype and promises of the Big Beauty brands.

You’ve given them your hard-earned money and they’ve let you down.

In Just a Moment...

I’ll be showing you the scientific research,
in black and white, so you can make an informed decision about your own lashes.

I’ve created this free presentation to cut through all that “marketing noise” we see on TV, on magazine covers, and everywhere on social media.

So, make sure you stay with me till the end.

Because I’ll tell you all about the hazardous hormone that’s slowly killing your lashes from the inside out.

Plus, you’ll discover the #1 tweak to your beauty routine that can turn all that around.

Bringing Back Your Own
Naturally Beautiful Lashes…

Thicker, fuller, longer, and more curled than before.

And no, it’s
not a new
gunky mascara

And no, it’s not a lash conditioner that causes your eyes to itch

And God knows, it’s not scratchy extensions.

I’ll be showing you the disturbing research that proves how extensions, and many popular lash products…

Can actually make things worse... WAY WORSE.

I guarantee you’ll want to see how simple, easy, and effective it is to reverse the effects of the hazardous hormone with this simple lash-restoring breakthrough.

So Make Sure You Read
This Page All the Way hrough…

Because once “Big Beauty” catches wind of it,
they’ll try to “cancel” it from the Internet.

I promise it will be worth your while.

So let’s get started right away.

So, like I mentioned...

My name is Alexandria Weston.

I’m from a small town outside Kansas City.

During my 30s, I started to see my face “reflect my age”.

New wrinkles and fine lines started showing up every year.

Maybe you can relate to watching the aging process express itself as lines on your face.

I was very proactive about taking care of my skin…

Constantly researching skincare routines, and trying new anti-aging solutions, to slow down the march of time.

But once I hit my 40s, “looking older” started to feel a bit inevitable.

I became OK with seeing more wrinkles, smile lines and crow's feet…

I figured they were part of who I was as a woman... so I embraced them.

I still took care of my skin and always tried to look my best.

But there was one area where I seemed to be suffering from accelerated aging.

It made me look older than my years...

And I mean, way older.

It was My Eyes… Specifically, My Eyelashes.

The older I got, the thinner and weaker each lash got.

And I noticed they were getting sparse.

I was losing lashes, which was normal…

But they weren’t growing back, which wasn’t normal.

In a way, it felt like my eyes were “going bald” by the time I was in my mid-40s.

My eyes looked pretty grim without makeup.

And that Moment in Cabo
Crystallized it For Me:

I looked like the walking dead and
I desperately needed to make a change.

Maybe you’ve had one of those “come-to-Jesus” experiences where you had a long hard talk with yourself about where you were...

And how you needed to do something fast to change your life.

As for me…

The very first morning after we got back from our vacation, I got up and made my morning coffee.

Then, I sat down in my living room, and did some reflecting.

I’d Thought I Could Keep
“Covering Up” My Lash Problem.

I’d used typical beauty products like mascaras and eyeliners, along with targeted ones such as eyelash conditioners, base coats and primers.

To help my eyelashes grow...

I’d even tried methods like trimming them, brushing them with a lash comb, and massaging my eyelids.

Based on a couple of blogs I’d read...

I’d experimented with petroleum jelly, castor oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil.

I’d even taken a whole slew of...

Vitamins, and supplements such as biotin, zinc, collagen, and iron.

I felt like I’d thrown the kitchen sink at my persistent lash problem.

But despite the amount of time, energy, and money I’d spent… It felt like the needle barely moved.

Maybe you’ve been there, too — where you tried your best to make a change, but nothing seemed to work.

In My Case, Things Kept Going Downhill.

It got to the point where I dreaded looking at myself in the mirror every morning.

I was afraid of being seen without any makeup on.

I didn’t even want Ted to see me without eye makeup because of how awful my eyes looked.

I started to think there was something wrong with me.

  • Was I just cursed with bad genes or something?
  • Was my skin somehow different?
  • Were my lash hairs abnormal?

Naturally, My Thoughts went
to Eyelash Extensions.

I had friends who’d done the procedure
but with mixed results.

Almost everyone looked GREAT the day after.

But a few had their extensions fall out within a week.

Others had negative reactions like:


Eye irritation

Itchiness of the eye and eye area

Bloodshot eyes and...

Eyelid infections

One friend even lost her natural eyelashes PERMANENTLY.

For some, the cost became prohibitive.

Despite all that, after weighing the pros and cons and reading a ton of information on the Internet…

I was ready to bite the bullet and get extensions, like my friends did.

I was looking forward to waking up every morning with perfect, fluttery eyelashes.

So I Made an Appointment with
a Highly-Respected Eyelash Technician.

But when it was time for my appointment,
I started having doubts about my decision
as I sat in the waiting room.

My eyelashes were clearly already unhealthy.

Wouldn’t this just make things worse?

To pass the time and calm my nerves, I picked up a random beauty magazine from one of the end tables.

It was an issue of Marie Claire with Selena Gomez on the cover.

As I thumbed through the magazine, an article caught my eye.

It was about a New York skincare specialist whose unusual dermatological methods were getting LOTS of attention.

Her Name was Cecilia Wong* * *, and the Article Called Her the “Facialist of the Future”.1

I read about how she was blending natural botanical ingredients found in Traditional Chinese Medicine with cutting-edge scientific research.

The results she was getting for her clients were astounding.

Which was why women, including runway models, A-list celebrities and Hollywood stars, were traveling from all over the country to visit her practice in New York City.

Out of curiosity, and since I had the time, I Googled her with my phone to learn more about her.

As I was reading an article, something Cecilia said hit me like a lightning bolt.

In that article...

She Emphasized that Hair and Eyelash Problems are More Often a “Skin” Problem than a “Hair” Problem.

According to Cecilia, many eyelash problems are the result of what she calls “Follicle Collapse”.

And she was in the process of conducting research on a natural solution that would stimulate follicle repair.

Giving women a remedy for lash loss and thicken thinning eyelashes.

A lash treatment that would help their own natural eyelashes to grow healthily, and look fuller, longer and more beautiful…

She Hoped to Develop “Nature’s Extensions”.

After reading everything, I started to
wonder if Cecilia had actually been able to
develop a solution for eyelashes like mine.

The more I wondered, the more I figured I owed it to myself — and my eyelashes — to find out.

My mother taught me to trust my gut…

So I jumped to my feet, told the receptionist to cancel my appointment, and rushed out the door.

Since Cecilia’s office was in New York, I called to request a phone consultation.

The receptionist said she’d have to check Ceclia’s calendar as she was very busy.

I insisted that it was important that I spoke with her.

After a long hold time, the receptionist returned to the phone and said to call back the next day at 9 am, Eastern Time.

Apparently, Cecilia had a rare cancellation.

The next morning, at 9am, I called Cecilia’s office.

I Told Her About Seeing
Her in the Beauty Magazine...

And asked her about her progress in
developing her “Follicle Repair” method.

After a pause, Cecilia said,

Funny you should ask!

She told me that after almost two years of research…

She had discovered a solution that—based on her research—could become “nature’s extensions”.

But then she said it wasn’t available to the public yet…

They were still in the testing phase.

My heart sank.

At that Point, I Felt So Desperate...
I Bared My Soul to Her.

  • I told her all about my embarrassing Day of the Dead moment…
  • And everything I’d done to try and fix my ever-thinning lashes…
  • And how humiliated I felt over them.

That it wasn’t just a vanity thing for me.

I wasn’t trying to be a Kardashian lookalike.

I was Trying to Save My Self-Esteem and Hoping to Feel Good in My Own Skin Again.

I didn't want to feel like I had to hide behind makeup in order to leave the house or just to face my husband.

Alexandria, she said, her voice incredibly kind.

I know first-hand what it’s like to hate what you see when you look in the mirror.

As a teenager, I used to have terrible acne and ugly, splotchy skin.

I tried every day to hide behind my hair.

So, woman-to-woman, I truly understand.

After years of research, I eventually discovered ways to combine natural ingredients known within Traditional Chinese Medicine and they healed my skin from the inside out.

And now...

I’m Following the Same Framework to Find a Solution for Thinning Eyelashes.

I just started a focus group with
some of my clients and it’s important that I supervise them in person.

I’m so sorry, but I just don’t feel good about sending you a solution, and not being able to supervise your results.

It Felt Like Another Gut Punch,
I was So Disappointed.

In the pause that followed… I had an idea.

If I was to participate… would you be willing to supervise my progress over Zoom?

I asked with my eyes closed, and my fingers tightly crossed.

There was an uncomfortable silence.

After a few excruciating seconds, Cecilia answered.

She said...

That would be a little unconventional, but if you can attend the sessions over Zoom, I’d be willing to make an exception and include you in the study.

We start in two weeks.

In my heart, I was dancing a jig.

The experience couldn’t come soon enough.

Over the Next Two Weeks, I Felt Like a Kid Waiting for Christmas to Arrive…

The experience couldn’t come soon enough.

About a week later, I got a nondescript package in the mail from New York.

I tore it open to find a plain silver tube with a brush.

And some printed instructions that said not to apply the product yet, and to show up to the first scheduled meeting without any eye makeup on.

The Day of the First Focus
Group Meeting Finally Arrived.

I clicked on the Zoom link to see Cecilia
gathered with 10 other women in their 50s.

All of us had no eye makeup on.

Honestly, it was a bit of a ghastly sight.

I had flashbacks of the Day of the Dead in Mexico and I became even more resolved and excited to get started.

Cecilia started by saying this:

You’re all here because I believe each of you is suffering from what is starting to be referred to as Follicle Decay.1 1

You may not have heard of this.

That’s because this problem hasn’t quite reached the mainstream yet.

Believe me… once the Big Beauty brands figure out how to make money from it, you’ll see this mentioned in the mainstream — big time.

One Woman Asked if Cecilia Could Explain What Follicle Decay Meant.

Cecilia then told us how unique eyelashes are…

And how, for more than 150 years, the commercialized beauty industry has focused only on the appearance of eyelashes…

Ignoring the health of the lash follicle, which is where an eyelash grows from.

The industry simply doesn’t treat the lash line like the delicate “skin” that it is.

She then shared how these sensitive eyelash follicles can become clogged and unhealthy, and even decay…

All because of the commercialized beauty practices of the last 150 years.

I learned that commercially-available mascara was invented in 1872 by French perfumer and entrepreneur Eugène Rimmel1.

His Lash-Plumping
Mascara Formula was Simple:

Petroleum jelly and coal dust.1

You can imagine what slathering coal dust on your eyelashes might do to the health of your follicles.

Ironically, Rimmel’s company is now owned by global cosmetics giant Coty Inc., the multibillion dollar beauty conglomerate1 1 that also owns COVERGIRL, Max Factor, and Sally Hansen.

And Get This...

The ingredients in mascara haven't
improved much in the last 150 years.

  • They typically include a carbon black or iron oxide pigment to darken lashes…
  • A polymer film that coats lashes…
  • Some kind of preservative…
  • And thickeners such as lanolin, mineral oil, paraffin, petrolatum, castor oil, carnauba wax, and candelilla wax.1

Cecilia explained how hair follicles can become clogged and unhealthy, just like skin pores.

Similar to congested skin pores, clogged hair follicles will produce:


Blackheads and whiteheads

Causing acne as well as other skin issues.1

This ultimately leads to follicle decay.

But that’s Not the Worst Of It.

For years, many popular lash products have contained something called prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are a type of synthetic hormone originally found in eyedrops used to treat glaucoma.1

However, researchers soon noticed that patients using these eyedrops suddenly experienced renewed lash growth.

Word eventually reached the big beauty companies.

Soon, prostaglandins were all the rage in lash products.

These companies made out like bandits.

But it turns out that these synthetic growth-hormone molecules led to some serious side effects like:

  • Permanent darkening of the eyelid.1
  • Permanent discolouration of the iris—usually from blue to brown.1
  • Itchy, swollen, red eyes.1
  • Watery eyes.1
  • Blurry vision.1
  • Red or brown circles under the eye.1
  • In some cases, these hazardous hormones can even lead to lash baldness.

Many Health Departments Around
the World Started Banning Products Containing Prostaglandins.1

Unfortunately, the FDA has
not followed suit to ban their use.

It made me wonder if that’s because of lobbying pressure from the
multibillion-dollar beauty industry.

Cecilia said that based on our age and based on how popular many of these products were…

It was likely we’d all unknowingly used lash products containing these hazardous hormones already.

And even if we didn’t experience any of those horrific side effects, those synthetic compounds can still accelerate follicle decay.

One of the women raised her hand and asked,

I’ve used eyelash conditioner for years. Shouldn’t that help?

Cecilia then Told Us How Those Products
were Formulated to Condition the “Hair” Part of the Lash, But Not the Follicle Itself.

Which merely masks the problem of eyelash follicle decay, perhaps even adding to it.

And, when you add eyeliner to the mix, it seems like a small miracle eyelash follicles are even able to survive.

Another woman raised her hand and commented,

I religiously remove my makeup every single night. Why is this still happening?

Cecilia smiled and explained that things would obviously be worse if we didn’t remove mascara and eyeliner every night…

But Makeup Removal can Even Contribute to Follicle Decay Because of How it can Dehydrate the Sensitive Skin of the Lash Line.

Cecilia said it just makes sense that eyelash follicles would struggle under the weight of all the suffocating products we put on, and leave on for hours and hours a day.

And given the deterioration of our cells which occurs naturally with age…

It stands to reason that follicle decay can lead to weak, thin and sparse eyelashes.

And Certainly, Eyelashes would Struggle
in that Kind of Environment to Grow Back,
If At All.

I finally started to understand what
had caused my Day of the Dead eyes.

Another woman in the room spoke up and said,

Cecilia, that sounds pretty grim.

Does follicle decay mean that all our eyelashes will fall out, and we’re forever doomed to using false eyelashes or getting eyelash extensions?

I think she voiced what a lot of us were thinking.

Cecilia smiled and replied,

That’s why we’re all here.

I’ve gotten amazing results using natural, healing ingredients to restore the health of skin pores.

Which is why I’ve dedicated the last 18 months to researching how to specifically address eyelash follicle health.

And I didn’t study just the “hair” part of the eyelashes, like most people would expect...

I analyzed the skin around the eyes too.

The solution I’ve been working on has already been tested in the lab and is 100% safe.

I’ve been using it myself, and I’m excited beyond belief with the results I’m getting.

But that means nothing without testing it in the real world, on real women just like you.

Cecilia went on to explain that the solution to reducing Follicle Decay was fairy simple.

She started by asking the question:

Which natural ingredients support follicle repair?

Using What She’d Learned
About Skin-Cell Repair…

Cecilia knew she had to focus on
3 simple areas of follicle health.

The first was Hydration.

Modern women demand eye makeup that lasts, which means that these beauty products tend to be drying.

Since many eye cosmetic products aren’t hydrating enough, thus creating a hostile environment for follicles — restoring hydration was essential.

Second, Antioxidant.

Since follicles experience oxidative damage1 from the environment and from cosmetics, including Antioxidants was crucial.

Third, Protein Keratin.

And third, and perhaps most importantly, she focused on stimulating the body’s production of the protein Keratin.

As you may already know, keratin is the key structural protein of hair.

Cecilia’s hypothesis was that by supporting keratin production within the lash follicle…

Eyelashes will grow back—stronger, healthier, and fuller.

She Explained that She’d Discovered
a Handful of Unique and Exotic Ingredients that are Designed to:

Help deal a death blow to follicle decay, stimulate follicle repair and deliver lush, full, healthy NATURAL lashes.

Thanks to those natural ingredients, you can have gorgeous lashes.

  • Without being exposed to toxic chemicals
  • Without suffering the harsh glue of extensions and...
  • Without shelling out huge amounts of cash to feed the greed of those Big Beauty brands that seem to care most about their profits.

Cecilia Told Us that Those
Exotic Ingredients Could Be Found in
the Silver Tubes We Had Received.

Then she explained exactly how to apply her product, how often to apply it and when to expect results.

Our group of women was scheduled to meet once a week for 30 days.

Then once every two weeks for the following 60 days.

And one final time, at the end of the 90 days.

The results…

Well, I’ll let them speak for themselves.

I’ll Reveal to You the Effect
of Cecilia’s Eyelash Solution on
Our Test Group, in a Moment.

But first, I want you to see what those
ingredients did for my eyelashes.

I’ll be honest — I wasn’t expecting instant results at first.

Repairing eyelash follicles and waiting for new growth take time.

But I will say this:

The first time I applied Cecilia’s product?

It felt so good… luxurious, soothing, and hydrating.

It was as if my eyelashes were finally getting a huge drink of water after being parched for so long.

By the End of the First 6 Days, I’d Already Decided that I’d Keep Using it, Just For the Way it Made My Eyes Feel.

At our first-week check-in with Cecilia…

Cecilia told us,

I’m not really expecting you to see much in the way of results, since repair and regrowth take a while.

But I want to make sure you understand the application process… I’d also like to ask if you have any problems or concerns.

One woman said,

Cecilia, my eyes feel amazing when I put it on, and I’ve noticed fine hairs starting to fill in my lash line.

Is this new growth?

Cecilia went over to her with a lighted magnifying glass to take a closer look.

Yes... I see new eyelashes peeking through! That’s amazing!

The same woman exclaimed,

Actually, I’d call that miraculous!

I chimed in and said,

I just took a closer look in the mirror, and I’m seeing the same thing!

After the Second Week,
About Half the Women in the Test Group Reported Seeing Promising Results.

By the end of 30 days, 9 out of the 11 of us were seeing fuller, thicker lashes filling in our lash lines…

Incredibly, those were purely our own natural lashes — they weren’t thicker because of mascara or other lash enhancement cosmetic products.

At the end of 60 days, every woman in the group was raving.

But who wouldn’t, with these kinds of results???

During the Zoom Call, I Revealed to the Group How I was Grabbing My Husband’s Attention Far More than Before.

The women in the test group and I had gotten closer over the previous weeks.

They started to feel like my friends.

I shared with them how I’d finally stopped being so self-conscious before I applied my makeup in the morning.

My husband even asked if I’d done something different with my makeup.

He said he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was…

Just that I looked so bright-eyed and naturally beautiful.

In fact, one Saturday morning just after the 5th week, as I recall…

I was in the kitchen with zero makeup on, making coffee in my robe.

Ted came padding into the kitchen and was just kinda watching me for a while…

We Started Talking About
Our Plans For the Day.

But before long, there was a little spark
in his eye as we started flirting and talking about
how we could delay our plans.

Not long after, we started making out in the kitchen.

Before I knew it, he’d untied my robe and slipped his strong warm hands around my waist and pulled me tightly against him...

Humming in pleasure as his lips grazed my neck.

Soon, we were tearing each other’s clothes off and panting with passion and desire.

We stumbled our way back into the bedroom…

Where we made passionate love like we did when we were in our 20s.

I can’t remember the last time we’d made love in the morning.

And it All Began When He Said I
Just Looked So Naturally Beautiful and
Alluring Standing There in My Robe!

Who would have thought a little silver tube
could lead to all that??

When the focus group concluded after 90 days, every single woman was 100% sold on this solution Cecilia had come up with.

Over the 3 months, Cecilia had taken some measurements and collected data using very precise digital photography.

And Even Though it was a
Small Sample Size, She Found that Similar
to the Results of a Clinical Study...

The women in the group experienced a 35% increase in lash thickness…

The women also felt that they enjoyed a 40% increase in lash length.1

Like I said, the changes didn’t happen overnight...

But they were so visible — and so encouraging — that we were like schoolgirls giggling hysterically at a slumber party every time we met.

At our Last and Final Meeting… Cecilia Asked for Feedback on Our Experience.

And shared that she was going to make a few minor adjustments to the formulation, based on our results.

3 months after that…

Cecilia informed us that her lash solution was ready to be shared with the world.

It worked for me, and I’m sure it will work for you too.

That’s why I’m beyond excited to introduce you to...

Miracle Lash

It’s the One and Only Product You Need to Confront Follicle Decay Head-On.

And start supporting follicle growth where it counts.

  • Especially if you’ve been struggling with tired and dead-looking eyes.
  • Especially if sparse, thin and weak eyelashes have been making you hide behind gobs of enhancement cosmetics.
  • Or if you’ve been tempted to just wear false eyelashes or give in to getting extensions.

You’ll Start to See Fuller, Thicker and
Longer Lashes Appear Right Before Your Eyes.

You’ll regain your confidence in
the natural beauty of your eyes.

You won’t hesitate anymore to go anywhere without makeup.

And I bet you’ll even start getting comments from your girlfriends.

And all the right kind of attention from your husband or partner.

Maybe they won’t be able to put their finger on exactly what’s changed…

But believe me, they WILL notice a change.

You’ll finally be freed from the curse of tired and dead-looking eyes.

Imagine How Liberated You’ll Feel,
Thinking, “Yep, Mascara’s Optional Today.”

Imagine the pride and self-confidence you’ll have,
no matter where you go.

And imagine the peace and contentment you’ll experience, assured by your appearance as you look in the mirror each day.

After testing it on our 90-day focus group, Cecilia completed her adjustment of the formulation…

And made it even better than before.

But Don’t Take My Word For It…

Just listen to the thousands of
other women who have tried Miracle Lash

Longer (and thicker) lashes in just 3 weeks!

I purchased this product based on my vanity, and also after scouring the reviews online.

I wanted to have thickness between my lashes (new growth) but did not care so much about the length.

I am happy to report both.

I did not follow the instructions to use this twice a day; I used this once per day due to laziness, so I am happy with the results.

Highly recommend.

- Cynthia O. (61), Arizona

I have never had
such luscious lashes!

Okay, so first off, I was skeptical about all the amazing reviews, and a bit scared, to be honest, but still went for it.

I saw immediate results, and now, using it for over 3 weeks as directed, consistently, I can say the results are honestly amazing.

I have never had such full, long, thick, luscious lashes in my life, and I totally believe that it is due to this serum.

Hope it works as good for you as it did for me; highly recommend.

Side note: I am highly allergic to products and was very nervous to try out this formulation, especially on my eyes, but there was no reaction or irritation ever.

Do not have anything bad to say about this product, so happy I came across it.

Update: I ran out of my first tube and repurchased—still blows me away the same.

- Willa S. (52), New Mexico

Better than eyelash extensions.

I LOVE this product!!!!!

I will never be without it. I used to be someone who really likes to get eyelash extensions, but I've been told they're not the best for my lashes cuz of the glue and the possibility of pulling out my natural lashes along with the extensions.

So I started looking around for eyelash growth serums.

I've tried a few brands at various price points, and I have to say, this one is one of my favorites.

Although the expensive ones worked, they made my eyes itchy and their price points were just too much.

- Lily D. (69), Kansas

Let Me Quickly Share What’s
Inside Every Tube of Miracle Lash

The formula starts with a
little-known Powerhouse Peptide.

Peptides are the building blocks of protein.

And since proteins are what eyelash follicles need to grow eyelashes

Cecilia’s research revealed that there’s one peptide that stands above the rest, when it comes to stimulating new eyelash growth that’s healthy and natural.

#1: It’s called Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17.

In clinical trials, Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 demonstrated astounding results that mirrored our experience in Cecilia’s trial.

One clinical trial involved 30 women, aged 15–45 years...

Who used a serum with Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 daily for 90 days.

Their Eyelashes were Measured
After 30, 60, and 90 Days.

Many of the women noticed improvements
in eyelash thickness and length within 30 days.

While at the end of 90 days, they saw significant improvements in eyelash length, volume, luster, thickness, and even curl.1

In fact, the women raved about their increased eyelash thickness and length after the trial.1

By the end of 90 days, the average thickness had increased by over 35%.

Imagine your eyelashes right now:

35% thicker—after just 90 days!

Turns out...

Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 helps stimulate the protein Keratin, which is the #1 building block for healthy and naturally lush hair.

Now, Cecilia could have stopped there with Miracle Lash™.

But Remember How She Set Out to Discover Not Just How to Stimulate Healthy Growth…

But how to protect the hair follicle
from oxidative damage too?

It just makes good sense to protect a sensitive cellular process such as lash growth, right?

It’s like putting a fence around your garden to keep pests out.

#2: That’s where Grape Stem Cells come in.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the controversy surrounding stem cells.

But these stem cells have nothing to do with human stem cells as they’re derived from a specific grape variety.

Recent Research has Revealed that
Grape Stem Cells have Exceptionally Potent Antioxidant Properties.1

Making them particularly suitable for helping the sensitive skin around the eyes fight oxidative stress.

Other research findings also suggest that the antioxidants in grape stem cells are 50 times more powerful than Vitamin C...

And 20 times more powerful than Vitamin E1 — which is saying a lot!

Not only do these powerful antioxidants protect the skin against free radical damage, they can also bond with protein and collagen…

To stimulate even MORE new hair and eyelash growth.1

#3: Next up in Cecilia’s Miracle Lash formulation is Vitamin B5.

Vitamin B5 is essential when it comes to healthy skin and hair.1

Research from The National Center for Biotechnology Information* * * * has proven that Vitamin B5 is not only a key skin protectant with essential anti-inflammatory properties...

It also improves the hydration and elasticity of skin and hair.

#4: The last key ingredient in Miracle Lash is Glycerin.

Glycerin is a humectant.

A moisturizing agent that attracts and transfers moisture from the environment to your skin cells, where you need it most.1

Now, I’ve got some great news for you.

Because you’ve demonstrated your commitment to making a change in the health and appearance of your eyelashes…

Cecilia has Reserved the Next 300 Tubes of Miracle Lash with a Discounted Rate for Those Reading this Message oday.

But you must hurry, before we run out of stock.

Women are grabbing up this formula left and right.

As you might have already guessed, with the world supply chain being such a mess…

And with manufacturing and distribution so topsy-turvy right now…

And with the word getting out about how powerful Cecilia’s formula is (there’s even talk of Marie Claire running another article!)

Demand will soon outpace supply.

Which means, if and when we run out of stock…

You may miss out, and end up having to wait many months before we can replenish our supply.

That’s why Cecilia has promised to reserve a special batch for those reading this today.

As long as you’re one of the first 300 people to get your order in today…

You’ll Get Your Very Own Supply
of Miracle Lash Delivered Straight to
Your Door in 5–7 Business Days.

Plus, if you complete your order today,
shipping within the US is on us too!

Now, I want to put your mind at ease.

There are ZERO recurring costs.

I hate those surprise subscriptions! That’s not how Cecilia does business.

You only pay when you place an order.

But I encourage you to act fast.

This batch of 300 will be gone faster than you think.

Plus, Cecilia’s so confident that Miracle Lash™ is the answer to tired and dead-looking eyes…

She’s Guaranteeing You'll Fall
Head Over Heels in Love with How Lively
and Beautiful Your Eyes Look…

Or you’ll get your money back.

We've seen women everywhere swear they’ve turned back the clock to when they were in their 20s.


When it arrives in your mailbox…

Take a minute to give thanks that you are finally going to deal with the root cause of thinning, sparse eyelashes…

Then keep applying it every single day.

And before you know it, you’ll notice new, vibrant eyelash growth…

Thicker and longer natural lashes with an improved curl to boot!

I’d even encourage you to take a selfie each week, so you can track your own transformation.

Trust me…

You’ll want to capture the journey as you start to witness the blossoming beauty of your eyes.

You’ll See Naturally Full,
Thick, Long, and Curled Eyelashes…

Like the ones you had when you were in your 20s.

You’ll soon be hearing things like…

Wow! Your eyes look amazing!

You look so vibrant!


Be honest—did you just get extensions?

Right Now, You’re Probably Wondering
How You can Get One of Those 300 Tubes
of Miracle Lash Right Away.

Plus, you might also want to know how
and when to use it each day.

I just have to repeat…

There is a truly limited supply of Miracle Lash™.

This isn’t marketing hype.

It’s simply the truth.

Each batch of Miracle Lash™ is made in a GMP-certified facility.

And then it’s shipped off to be tested at an independent lab for proof of quality assurance.

This gives you the peace of mind that the ingredients on the inside match what’s on the label.

Cecilia Wants 100% Verification that the Product in Every Tube is Something She Would Want on Her Own Skin.

Which means it’s as pure as humanly possible.

This is no easy task.

Nor is it cheap.

Many of the ingredients in Miracle Lash™ are sourced from around the world.

And with the world economy’s supply chain on such shaky ground…

Delays can hit at any time.

Not to mention trade wars, and surprise tariffs and taxes.

But these are issues that you might not be aware of, unless you’re in the industry.

What’s more, as I mentioned earlier…

Since Word has Gotten Out
About Miracle Lash

Its popularity is stretching our
production capability to the max.

Cecilia is doing her best.

But it means that out-of-stocks are a constant threat.

When that happens, it can take 3–6 months to get the shelves stocked again.

You see, Cecilia’s manufacturing facility can truly only produce a limited amount of Miracle Lash™ at a given time.

On Top of That, Since Thousands of
Women are Experiencing the Life-Changing Benefits of Miracle Lash

They're beginning to order multiple tubes at a time.

They do not want to lose momentum on the game-changing results they’re seeing in the mirror each week.

The bottom line is, it’s more challenging than ever for Cecilia to manage the demand.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

I’m thrilled so many women are experiencing the age-reversing power of Miracle Lash™.

But, Since Out-of-Stocks
are Such a Very Real Risk…

As a woman who’s cried in desperation after
looking in the mirror, I never would want anyone to continue to unnecessarily suffer like I did.

Not when there’s a proven solution to fight back against follicle decay.

This is exactly why, in just a minute, as a part of our “Eye Transformation” Campaign...

I’ll be sharing with you how to get your own supply of Miracle Lash™ today.

And how you can snatch up one of the 300 tubes of Miracle Lash™ — at a special insider discount — while supplies are still available.

But before i get to that...

I Need to Answer that
Other Pressing Question.

How And When Should I Use Miracle Lash?

It’s so simple.

Just apply Miracle Lash™ to your lower and upper lash lines at night, right before bed.

It’s just like putting on liquid eyeliner.

It will nourish the delicate skin that is home to your eyelash follicles.

Then, maintain this routine for at least 30 consecutive days.

The truth is, the power-house ingredients inside Miracle Lash™ nourish and strengthen your eyelash follicles… right away.

But this is not an overnight fix.

It takes time to regrow healthy, vibrant eyelashes and everyone’s lashes grow at different rates.

Ultimately, You’ll See the
Best Results After 90 Days of Use.

The more consistent you are,
the greater impact Miracle Lash will have.

Because of results like these:

And because Cecilia keeps telling me how tough this stuff is to keep in stock…

I Strongly Recommend that You
Give Yourself Peace of Mind By Getting
AT LEAST 3 Tubes of Miracle Lash Today.

And if you want to make sure tired and
dead-looking eyes never make a comeback
by all means, consider a 6-tube supply.

I’ll give you the strange reason why this should be a complete
no-brainer—in just a momen.

But first, there’s something else you should know.

Miracle Lash™ is only available here on this website, not at the beauty counters or big-chain stores.

This way, we’re eliminating “middleman markups”.

So you can keep more cash in YOUR pocket.

Now, considering the cost of the unique ingredients, the fees for performing quality tests…

And All the Other Multiple
Expenses that Come From Bringing
a Quality Product to Market…

The normal retail price of Miracle Lash
runs about $175 per tube.

And once the Big Beauty brands catch wind of this, that’s the kind of price (if not higher) you’ll begin to see for this highly-effective formulation.

But that’s not how Cecilia does business.

She set out from the beginning to make this effective AND affordable.

That’s why, right now — and only through this page…

You can Get Miracle Lash
at a Significant Discount.

Unlike so many other beauty solutions out there,
Miracle Lash is formulated with thoroughly-tested natural ingredients.

And it’s completely safe to use on the delicate skin around your eyes.

Which is a big relief to all of us.

Because we all love knowing that what’s going on our skin is not only effective, but safe too.

What’s more…

It Saves You From Expensive
and Risky Procedures at a Clinic.

With Miracle Lash… that’s a complete non-issue.

Taking all that into account…

$175 for Miracle Lash™ would be a bargain, compared to the cost of expensive cosmetics and procedures.


It’s essential to consider all the benefits you’ll receive— that money can’t buy.

Benefits like getting back your confidence and youthful good looks…

  • Feeling proud of your appearance when you step out of your door.
  • Feeling that surge of self-esteem.
  • Receiving endless compliments from your friends and family.
  • And those lingering looks from men much younger than you.
  • For all of THAT and ultimately, for feeling like you’re living the best version of yourself.

$175 would be a small price to pay.

That being said…


You Won’t Be Paying Anywhere
Near $175 for a Tube of Miracle Lash

That’s because Cecilia’s mission is
to help as many women as possible.

That’s why she set the retail price of Miracle Lash™ as $129 on her website.

But like I said earlier, for those reading this page today, Cecilia has reserved 300 tubes of Miracle Lash™…

And they come with a massive discount!

So, if you place your order right now…

You can Get Your Own Tube of Miracle Lash For a One-Time Investment of Just $89…

As part of her “Eye Transformation” Campaign.

And in Just a Minute, I’ll Show You a
Sneaky Way to Get it for Just $39 a Tube.

Because of how powerful Miracle Lash is,
and how simple it is to use.

It’s easy to see why so many women want to keep looking amazing for years to come.

And since supplies truly are limited…

We worked tirelessly to create a significantly-discounted multi-tube plan…

Where women like you can stock up and save big by choosing a 6-Tube Option.

This option brings your investment all the way down to just $39 per tube.

Which Means You’ll Save
$540 if You Order Right Now.

Keep in mind that this unique discount
is available to you on this page only.

Also as a part of the Miracle Lash™ campaign…

We’re covering all the US shipping and handling costs for a limited time, but only if you act today.

This will save you an additional $16.95.

But it gets even better…

Because If You Take Action
and Get Miracle Lash Today…

You’ll Also Get These 3 FREE Bonuses.

After helping hundreds of people transform their lashes…

I’ve learned that when you can SEE and FEEL your progress, your results go through the roof.

This is why I’m excited to offer you these FREE bonuses to get the most out of your Miracle Lash™.


Bonus #1:

How to Buy Mascara that Won’t Damage Your Lashes (Value $29)

Bonus #1:

How to Buy Mascara that Won’t Damage Your Lashes (Value $29)

I know we’re obsessed with our mascara and it’s a staple in our
make-up routine...


Did you know that most mascaras contain harmful chemicals that could destroy your beautiful lashes?

I don’t want your effort of reviving your beautiful lashes with Miracle Lash™ to go to waste.

That’s why I want to share with you…

  • The 13 dangerous mascara chemicals you should avoid at all costs…
  • The simple 4-step VARN method to protect your eyelashes
  • 12 clean mascaras (you can buy today) that won’t damage your lashes

This is a $29-value product that will be yours absolutely free.

And you can download it in the next 30 seconds when you order Miracle Lash™ right now.

But that’s not all…

I’m also going to include a second free gift.

Bonus #2:

DIY Eye Makeup Removers
that are Actually Good for Your Eyelashes (Value $29)

Bonus #2:

DIY Eye Makeup Removers that are Actually Good for Your Eyelashes (Value $29)

Mascara isn’t the only eye product full of chemicals.

Eye makeup removers are often full of harmful chemicals that can hurt your eyes and your lashes.

That’s why I’m including this bonus:

  • DIY Eye Makeup Removers that are Actually Good for Your Eyelashes.

In this guide valued at $29...

You’ll discover 6 simple DIY eye makeup remover recipes that are completely safe, easy, and cheap for you to create.

And last but not least…

Bonus #3:

7 Natural Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows (Value $49)

Bonus #3:

7 Natural Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows (Value $49)

What complements your new long lashes if not for gorgeous, thicker eyebrows?

That’s why I’m including this special guide.

Inside you’ll find:

  • 7 natural and readily available remedies to get thicker eyebrows
  • The shocking reason why you should AVOID threading, waxing, or tweezing if you want beautiful brows
  • And the 6 simple hacks to grow luscious brows naturally

These Three Reports are a $107 Value
and the Only Place You can Access it is During this Special Promotion.

But I’d like to give them to you absolutely FREE today.

As you can see, I want to make sure you have everything you need to get the best possible results.

Again, this is why I recommend the 6-Months Supply.

Because it gives you the best deal with US FREE shipping.

Enough to last you a while in case we run out, and it’s risk-free because of our ONE-YEAR 100% money-back guarantee.

Keep in mind that this discount and the free shipping are only available during the campaign…

And only while supplies last.

Just Make Sure You Secure Your Order Today, While Stock is Still Available.

Now, Once You Choose Your Package,
You’ll be Directed to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page.

You’ll fill out a simple order form
so we know where to send your order.

You’ll receive your order of Miracle Lash™ within 5 to 7 business days.

All things considered…

Getting Miracle Lash™ is perhaps one of the smallest, yet most impactful investments.

You’ll ever make in your daily beauty routine.


You’ll be Able to Look Forward to Having Fuller, Longer, and More Defined Lashes.

Which means younger, more vibrant-looking eyes.

You can look forward to naturally reversing the sparseness and thinness of your lashes.

And the “tired”, “old” and “dead” appearance of your eyes.

Gone will be your Day of the Dead eyes.

All because you’re helping your eyelash follicles stay naturally nourished, protected, and hydrated…

Just like they had been when you were in your 20s.

  • Just one tube opens the door to naturally attaining more beautiful, younger-looking eyes in almost no time at all.
  • Three tubes guarantee you’ll see the impact for months.
  • And with six tubes of Miracle Lash™… can you imagine looking your absolute best…for a solid 6 months?

Go ahead and choose the option that’s best for you, while we still have supplies on hand.

Enjoy the Peace of Mind that
Comes From Knowing You’re Giving
Your Eyelashes the Nourishment They
Need to Look Stunning, 24/7.

And not just when you have eye makeup on.

Here’s Why Your Investment in Your Appearance Should Be a No-Brainer:

Your investment today is also covered
by Cecilia’s “You Must Love It” 365-Day,
100% Money-Back GUARANTEE.

365 Day Money Back Guarantee!

At 5th & Glow, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.

You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give Miracle Lash a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.

If at any time you are not happy with Miracle Lash, just send back your empty tubes and we will refund you immediately.

No questions asked.

We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

It's 100% Risk-Free!

It Works Like This:

Simply place your order today
and give Miracle Lash a big “maybe”.

Then, 5–7 days from now, when Miracle Lash™ arrives at your doorstep…

Start applying it to your lash line each night.

And watch how your eyes will be radically transformed… perhaps in as quickly as a month’s time.

All By Giving Your Eyelash Follicles
a Chance to Get Healthy Again….

Finally ending the vicious cycle of follicle decay.

Many of our customers witness amazing results within a few short weeks.

For others, it may be around Week 4–6 that they really start to notice the difference.

Results vary because everyone’s lashes are in different states of health.

But Don’t You Owe it to Yourself to Find Out?

You truly have ZERO risk with this guarantee.

If, for any reason, Miracle Lash™ isn’t transforming your eyes in the way you’d envisioned…

All you have to do is call our award-winning, US-based 24/7 Customer Support Team at 1-800-280-8411.

And you’ll get a full refund immediately.

Zero questions. Zero hassle.

Shoot, you can get your money back, even if you’ve used ALL 6 tubes!

There is Absolutely No Downside.

Your investment in turning
back the clock is 100% risk-free.

You truly have nothing to lose.

AND, we’ll give you an entire year…

12 FULL MONTHS to see if Miracle Lash™ is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Like it is for me, and many other women around the world.

Think about it.

When have you ever gotten the chance to “just try out” something — no strings attached — even before you make up your mind?

You get to think it over…even as you add it to your daily routine.

It's As Simple As That.

But if you are still unsure, please listen to the
women who have used this to change the health
of their eyelashes for good.

OMG...it’s legit.

Before trying this lash serum, I had tried another (much more expensive) product with "meh" results.

So I researched some options and settled on this one.

Good reviews, reasonably-priced, why not...I've been using it for 2 months now and OMG...it’s legit.

I look like I wear fake eyelashes and I LOVE it! I use it religiously every night before I go to bed, and I could probably go down to one time every other night...but I'm kind of enjoying having ridiculously long lashes.

I have no idea what is in this stuff, but it’s got me hooked.

- Donna R. (54), Texas

My girlfriend asked me if I got eyelash extensions!

I had gotten a lash perm consistently for 3 months, and my lashes eventually fell out and broke off.

I was so upset.

So I went and bought a bottle of Rodan + Fields lash booster and used it for a month, but saw no difference.

I thought it was hopeless, but a friend told me about this. She swore up and down it will work, so I bought one because I was really desperate to look normal again.

After 4 weeks of continuous use, I can honestly say my eyelashes are back with a vengeance.

My girlfriend asked me if I got eyelash extensions, lol. Thank you—I look normal again!!

- Gabby B. (42), Kansas

I can see my lashes
WITHOUT mascara.

LOOOOOVE this product!! Similar results to Latisse without the scary side effects.

After 4-–6 weeks: My lashes looked much fuller and thicker (I could actually SEE THEM without mascara!).

After 2 months: My eyelashes SHOT UP in length! 100% I would recommend this serum!!

- Heidi R. (38), Georgia

Just ordered another! 🤗

This really works! I'm 53 and my lashes were barely visible.

Now, I have people asking if I'm wearing false lashes 🥰😉.

Ordered another 3 tubes! 🤗

- Don M. (53), Washington

I wish I had discovered
this years ago.

I am almost 50 and have never had eyelashes I could see.

I could barely grab them; they were so short. They were not full, they were straight and had no length.

Mascara and eyelash curlers were futile. This product, over the course of a month with consistent application, DEFINITELY grew my eye lashes.

Now, they aren't lavish, but for me, the progress so far is impressive.

I can actually see my bottom lashes curl down with no mascara. I wish I had discovered this years ago.

I will order again.

- Sally B. (49), Texas

Fuller lashes in just 4 weeks.

I tried this growth serum as an alternative to the more pricey ones I have tried in the past.

I have used it for about a month.

I use it once a day (and I do skip some days) but I have definitely noticed a difference in the fullness of my lashes and eyebrows where I place it.

I am assuming they are a little longer too, but I did not take before and after photos.

I will say my mascara goes on much smoother and because of this growth serum, there is more for it to grab onto.

You cannot beat the performance.

It goes on smoothly, does not run and I have not had any eye irritation (I also wear contacts).

Great product!

- Nikki M. (67), Florida

So Go Ahead — Invest in Yourself,
and Try Miracle Lash Today, Risk-Free.

Choose the package that’s right for you now…

Ok, Friend, it’s Decision Time.

I urge you to not ignore everything
I’ve shared with you on this page.

Don’t let follicle decay sabotage your beauty.

If you ignore this breakthrough research-backed solution…

Your eyes will continue to suffer from follicle decay.

Making you look older, more tired, and less beautiful than you really are.

Which will make you FEEL aged, fatigued and just plain ugly inside.

You’ll continue to feel like people are looking at you like you’re washed up.

And so past your prime that you can’t even remember it.

You’re Reading This Right Now,
Knowing that Something MUST Change.

You deserve to live a life free of the
constant attack on your eyelash follicles.

You deserve to be free of those “judging looks” when you’re in a room where other women are trying to feel better about themselves.

You deserve to not have to think twice about your eyelashes getting thinner and thinner with each passing day.

That’s truly no way to live.

Now that you’ve seen for yourself how powerful the ingredients in Miracle Lash truly are.

  • Isn’t it time you take advantage of this breakthrough scientific discovery?
  • Isn’t it time you put your self-conscious worries to bed…for good?
  • Isn’t it time you reclaimed your youthful beauty?

Go Ahead and Secure Your Order
of Miracle Lash by Choosing the Option
that’s Best For You.

And remember today, I’ll also throw in the 3 bonuses I mentioned earlier to match your commitment.

These bonuses were:

  • How To Buy Mascara That Won’t Damage Your Lashes (Value $29)
  • DIY Eye Makeup Removers That Are Actually Good For Your Eyelashes (Value $29)
  • 7 Natural Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows (Value $49)

That’s an additional value of $107, ON TOP of the special discounted prices being offered through this website.

And of course, as i mentioned before...

Your Investment in YOU is
Protected By Our 365-Day Miracle Lash
Money-Back Guarantee…

Which means you have a full 12 months to prove me right.

Your eyes can start looking younger and more vibrant than they have in decades…

When you simply choose the option that’s best for you.

It’s already worked for thousands of women wanting to turn back the clock…

It’s Time for You to Join Them.

Choose the option that’s best for you
and I’ll see you on the other side.

Ah, I see you’re still here.

That means you’ve got questions.

Let’s go through some of our most commonly-asked questions now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who is Miracle Lash™ for?

Miracle Lash™ is for people whose eyelashes are thinning and not growing back well, and for anyone who wants to attain thick and full eyelashes—naturally.

That’s why Cecilia designed Miracle Lash™ with powerful, all-natural ingredients.

  • It gets to the root cause of Follicle Decay by helping to support the healthy nourishment, hydration, and protection of delicate eyelash follicles.
  • It promotes Follicle Repair to help you grow back lashes that are fuller, thicker, and more curled.

The ingredients inside Miracle Lash™ have been clinically proven to increase lash fullness and length by up to 35%.

Q. What Makes Miracle Lash™ different from other eyelash products?

Miracle Lash™ gets to the root cause of thinning eyelashes: follicle decay.

Then it helps reverse the damage by nourishing your sensitive eyelash follicles, protecting them from harmful oxidation, and supporting a naturally hydrating and moisturizing environment for them to thrive in.

Many serums, conditioners, and mascaras only add to the problem by dehydrating cellular tissue and by “gunking” up eyelash follicles.

Because Miracle Lash™ naturally protects your eyelash follicles and promotes the growth of your eyelashes…

Healthy, natural, beautiful eyelashes can finally be yours.

Q. What are the ingredients inside Miracle Lash™ again?

  • The formula starts with a powerful peptide called Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17.

In clinical trials, Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 demonstrated astounding results of increased eyelash thickness and length.1

That’s because Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 helps stimulate the protein Keratin, which is the #1 building block for healthy, naturally lush hair.

  • The formula also contains Grape Stem Cells, which have exceptionally potent antioxidant properties.1

Making them particularly suitable for helping the sensitive skin around the eyes fight oxidative stress.

Not only do these powerful antioxidants protect against free radical damage, they can also bond with protein and collagen…

To stimulate even MORE new hair and eyelash growth.1

  • Miracle Lash™ also contains Vitamin B5, which is essential for healthy skin and hair.1

Research from The National Center for Biotechnology Information has proven that Vitamin B5 is not only a key skin protectant with essential anti-inflammatory properties...

It also improves the hydration and elasticity of skin and hair.

  • The last key ingredient in Miracle Lash™ is Glycerin.

Glycerin is a humectant—a moisturizing agent that attracts and transfers moisture from the environment to your skin cells, where you need it most.1

These key ingredients help create the ideal environment for your eyelashes to grow.

Which means your lash follicles can easily replace your thinning, sparse lashes with healthier lashes that are naturally thick, long and beautiful.

Q. How do I use Miracle Lash™?

Simply make it a part of your beauty regime.

After you’ve completed your cleansing routine at night, apply Miracle Lash™ along your upper and lower lash lines, just like you would eyeliner.

It goes to work overnight, nourishing and protecting your eyelashes — prompting new eyelash growth.

Get ready to see eyelashes that are fuller, thicker, and longer!

Q. What happens when I click the “Add To Cart” button?

Once you choose the tube option that’s best for you, you’ll be directed to our 100% safe and secure checkout page.

We use the highest-grade encryption available to ensure your personal information stays safe.

On the checkout page, you’ll fill in your shipping and payment information.

Once your order is completed, the guys in the warehouse will begin to prepare it for shipment.

Cecilia has streamlined this process so you get your order within
5–7 business days.

This means your struggle with sparse and thinning lashes can become a distant memory as soon as possible.

Q. What if it doesn’t work for me? How am I protected?

Miracle Lash™ comes with an unprecedented 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

This means that once you’ve received your order, you have a full 12 months to make sure it’s right for you.

If you’re like the thousands who have already used Miracle Lash™…

Then you’re going to be blown away by the results.

But, if for some reason you’re not thrilled, it’s as simple as calling or emailing my customer support team.

They’ll refund you ASAP with no questions, and zero hassle.

Q. How soon will I see results?

Well, since everyone’s follicle health is different, the amount of time it takes to get results will vary accordingly.

For some, results occur in just a matter of weeks.

For others, they might take a little longer.

The majority of the subjects in the clinical trials I mentioned saw very noticeable results with Miracle Lash™ between 60 and 90 days.

But Cecilia wants to make sure everyone has plenty of time to start seeing results.

That’s why we created a guarantee that accommodates every person’s skin condition.

You have a full 365 days… an entire year… to make sure you’re seeing the results you want.

Q. How long will Miracle Lash™ be available?

That’s a tough one.

I’m hoping Miracle Lash™ will continue to be the beauty breakthrough for millions of Americans for years to come.

But the world’s compromised supply chain is making Cecilia’s job so difficult…

And, like I mentioned, the $542 Billion Big Beauty Industry isn’t keen on losing lifetime customers.

That’s why it’s important for you to get Miracle Lash™ today.

Since you’re protected by our 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee…

You have nothing to lose, except your struggle with declining eyelash health.

Q. I’m ready to try Miracle Lash™. What’s next?

Well, this is the fun part.

All you have to do is choose the package that’s right for you, by clicking one of the “Buy” buttons below.

Remember, the more you use Miracle Lash™, the better it will work for you.

And since out-of-stocks are always a possibility… I always recommend getting the 6-tube option.

This way, you know you’re covered.

And since you have a full 12 months to make sure Miracle Lash™ is right for you…there’s zero risk for you in getting the multiple-tube option.

Then, once you’ve completed your purchase on the secure checkout page, you’ll receive your order within 5 to 7 business days.

So, go ahead and place your order now.

Those are the Most Common
Questions I Get About Miracle Lash

Hopefully, your question was answered there.

So, if I may, allow me to ask you ONE important question…

When you look in the mirror 30 days from now…

What do you want to see?

I hope you don’t find this offensive, but I’ve got to speak the truth—with love.

If you don’t get your hands on Miracle Lash™ today…

If You Don’t Get Your Hands
on Miracle Lash Today…

Your eyelash will not only continue
to look the way they do today...

The unfortunate truth is that they’re just going to get thinner and sparser with each passing day.1

  • Your eyelashes will continue to fall out — and not get replaced.
  • And you’ll notice your eyes becoming even MORE
  • And you’ll be desperately trying to cover up your bare, naked eyes…

Which, as you’ve seen here today, only makes things worse.

God knows, that’s the last thing I want for you.

Fortunately, That Does
NOT Need to Be Your Reality.

With Cecilia’s help, you can feel like
you’re turning back the clock.

In a matter of weeks, you can stop follicle decay…

Stimulate follicle repair…

And start seeing the difference in the health and beauty of your lashes — with your own eyes.

Your friends, family, and partner will be drawn to your younger-looking eyes — and they’ll wonder how you effortlessly recaptured their natural beauty.

And it’ll all be thanks to Cecilia’s miracle formula that fights back against the damage of follicle decay.

You’ve seen all the clinical studies, all the proof, and all the reasons why giving Miracle Lash™ an honest try is a great decision you’ll feel comfortable making today.

So Now You’ve Got a Choice:

Option 1:

1. Do nothing and give up – Then look back 6 months or even a year from now and realize you had the chance to make a different choice.

You could’ve tried something risk-free that’s already helping thousands of women grow back their lashes.

So they can have lush lashes and beautiful eyes, to feel confident decade after decade.

Option 2:

2. Or you can try Miracle Lash™ absolutely risk-free.

Start to see your eyelashes grow back in a matter of 4 weeks.

The choice is yours, of course, but I think it’s a clear choice.

The fact is that you now have the perfect opportunity to try Miracle Lash™ risk-free.

So you can finally stop worrying about looking older with each passing year, and fully enjoy your life right now.

So I Hope You’ll Make the Decision
to Feel Like You’ve Been Transported Back into a Younger Version of Yourself.

Right now, is your chance to do just that.

Remember, I recommend taking advantage of our 6-tube Option.

Because you’re getting a huge bulk discount over the other options.

You’re backed by our ONE-YEAR 100% money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk.

We may run out at any time, so you’ll have enough to last you a while, in case that happens.

Plus, you’ll enjoy FREE US shipping.

But it’s Important to Know that These Special Discounts are Available on THIS PAGE ONLY...

As part of a campaign we’re currently running,
and only while supplies last.

And with that, I’d like to thank you again for your time, and end this page.

Before you leave, go ahead and choose the package that’s best for you.

So, make a smart decision right now.

Simply Choose One of the Options on this Page, and Click the “Add To Cart” Button.

It will take you to our secure online order form,
where you can place your order.

Thanks again for your time today, and I hope to hear from you soon.


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